Fresh Connect

Georgia Kington

General Manager

Georgia started in the industry as telesales and has worked her way up to become our operations manager, when you phone to place your orders Georgia’s voice is the one that welcomes you. When she’s not operating our fruit and vegetable business she likes to drink cocktails!

Brogan Burke

HR Manager

Brogan joined fresh connect 6 years ago after working for Roka and Zuma in there HR department. Brogan ensures all our staff are looked after and happy. She also has a weakness for designer hand bags.

Channell Da Rosa

Office Administrator

Channell is the life and soul of the day shift. She is the person at the end of the phone to answer all questions and inquiries. Originally from South Africa, Channell loves a good braai (bbq) and spending time exploring London.

Ashleigh Wickham

Sales Manager

Ashleigh has worked in new covent garden market for 16 years. First starting in telesales she then moved into sales & account management. Ashleigh writes all of our market reports. When she’s not selling vegetables she’s usually at soft play with her sons Henry and Vinnie.

Tim Wickham

Sales Manager

Tim has been working in the market now 10 years. Tim along with Ashleigh looks after our loyal customers. Tim also doubles up as our IT support as he’s a dab hand at computers. When he’s not getting an ear bashing from our customers you will find him on the golf course, usually in the rough.

Georgia Buckley

Office Manager

Georgia B splits her time between running the office and helping the sales department, you might speak to her on the phone or she’ll pop in and pay you a visit. Customer service is her number one passion. Georgia is very creative and enjoys photography (she took these photos of all the team).

Enrique Vasquez

Transport Manager

Enrique is chief of making sure your delivery gets to you on time! He’s had a lengthy career in hospitality so understands the importance of prompt friendly drivers and top notch customer service.

Gemma Pearce

Office Administrator

Gemma is the newest member to the Fresh Connect team and heads up the night shift operation. She’s at the end of the phone to answer any questions and make sure your orders are all booked. She’s a massive Arsenal fan so spends her time supporting the Gunners!

Alfie Scott

Marketing Apprentice

Alfie joins the Fresh Connect team as our very first apprentice. He is currently observing all departments and learning all aspects of the business. In his free time he likes to kick a ball around the football pitch, although we’re not sure how good he is.

Harry Kington

Purchasing Manager

Harry is in charge of all purchases at Fresh Connect and heads up our London team in New Covent Garden Market. He has been learning the ropes from a young age and is a well known face down buyers walk with his depth of experience. He enjoys watching football and supporting Chelsea (when they’re playing well) in his spare time.